There are many ways to make your household more energy efficient. First, switch to more energy-efficient appliances. Another way is to replace old light bulbs with LED ones. These bulbs use less energy than traditional incandescent ones. Also, consider investing in insulation and double glazing. These measures can cut energy costs significantly. But how can you reduce energy bills without breaking the bank? Read on to discover the best ways to make your household more energy-efficient.
Before buying a new house, be sure to read up on its energy efficiency features. Homebuyers’ guides from NYSERDA list features to look for. Make sure the home is equipped with efficient light bulbs, appliances, and more. If possible, make sure the roof is made of high-quality insulation and that all windows are properly installed. Also, check for any air leaks in the ducts.
New construction standards require greater energy efficiency, but older homes can also be retrofitted with high-efficiency appliances. You can also make your household more energy-efficient by adopting energy-efficient habits. Houses with high-EnerGuide ratings are well-insulated and airtight. In addition, they have efficient HVAC equipment and ENERGY STAR(r)-certified products. You can even make your home more energy-efficient by changing your light bulbs to compact fluorescent bulbs.
In addition to cutting monthly energy bills, energy efficiency improves the quality of life. Households that are energy-efficient can enjoy higher disposable incomes and lower bills. Lower bills mean less money for food. Many countries have avoided hundreds of dollars in bills from increased energy efficiency, and the savings are even higher in developed nations. This way, you can put more money toward other areas of your life, like health.
Smart appliances are great for saving energy. Smart thermostats can be controlled from anywhere, and solar shades and tinted window film can save you money. You can also install LED bulbs in every room in your house. LED bulbs save an average household around $225 a year. Moreover, installing low-flow sink faucets, toilets, and shower heads can reduce water usage. By following these tips, you can make your household more energy-efficient and save money at the same time.
You can also invest in Energy Star products and appliances. However, these options can cost more than conventional alternatives. If you are looking to remodel your home, upgrading the features will cost thousands of dollars. You can also try making your landscaping more energy-efficient, depending on where you live. The energy savings from such upgrades can be substantial. It is worth the cost when you think about the potential return you will experience over the long run.
Before you make the decision, it’s important to get an assessment done by a certified energy assessor. The assessment will give you a report detailing the energy usage of your home and how much it costs you. This is a great way to make energy-efficient upgrades without breaking the bank. There are a wide variety of home appliances available in energy-efficient and green models. If you are concerned about the cost of energy, you should look for an energy efficient and green version of your appliances.