Solar panels can significantly reduce your energy bills and carbon footprint. More and more homes and businesses are installing solar panels to offset their costs. ESD Solar is here to help.
Keep It Clean
Solar panels, being stationary on your roof, are prone to accumulating dust and dirt. A year’s accumulation of grime can result in a performance decline of up to 5%. In areas with little rain, performance can drop by as much as 20%. Therefore, maintaining the cleanliness of your solar panels is crucial for their efficiency.
Install a Solar Battery
Solar panels cannot accumulate energy during the night, leaving you dependent on a regular grid. One way to improve your efficiency is by installing a battery, which allows you to store energy for later use and provides increased autonomy. A solar battery also reduces your carbon footprint and your dependence on the grid.
Limit Device Usage
The efficiency of your solar system can be maximized by limiting the number of appliances used simultaneously. Total energy consumption will always be dependent on the number of devices in use. However, it’s advisable to limit the use of high-consumption appliances like dishwashers, dryers, and vacuum cleaners. Furthermore, make the most of natural light during the day by turning off unnecessary lights.
Hire an Expert for Installation
While installing solar panels at home may seem straightforward, if not done correctly, the panels will not generate sufficient electricity or operate at their maximum capacity. Solar panels should be installed at an angle between 18 and 36 degrees for optimal sunlight exposure. The orientation of your solar panels will be affected by the hemisphere in which you reside. Moreover, leaving sufficient space between your solar panel and roof will prevent overheating. Contact us for free installation consultations.
ESD Solar understands your desire to maximize the environmental and financial benefits of your solar panels. These tips should help you improve the effectiveness of your solar panels. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. This post was written by Daniel Massaad, owner and expert solar technician at Energy Solutions Direct! ESD is one of the premier Tampa solar companies! Our licensed and certified contractors are masters of their craft; with years of experience servicing the great Tampa Bay area and beyond, the choice is simple. ESD excels at offering you the best in solar value!